The Largest Property within the Highland Submarket to be Sold in Over a Decade

Land Advisors Organization is pleased to announce the closing of approximately 1,658 acres located northeast of Greenspot Road and Florida Avenue in the City of Highland. Greenspot, formerly known as Harmony, represents the largest property within the Highland submarket to be sold in over a decade.

The Property was originally acquired by the Seller, Orange County Flood Control District, in 1997. It was used as a site for excavation of soil needed during the construction of the Seven Oaks Dam. The Property was entitled as the Harmony Specific Plan in 2016, allowing for the development of up to 3,632 dwelling units. However, these approvals were rescinded in 2018. Greenspot was sold unentitled and unimproved.

Land Advisors Organization’s West San Bernardino Land Team consisting of Doug Jorritsma and Ian Sinderhoff represented the Seller in the transaction.