Recent Transactions

Foltz nabs part of Mariposa’s distress listing

High Desert Investment Corp. has hired Arizona brokerage Land Advisors Organization along with veteran Albuquerque real estate broker Greg Foltz to find a buyer for its distressed Mariposa subdivision in Rio Rancho. “This is not...

LAO–Orlando Successfully Closes $3M Paradise Preserve

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Land Advisors Organization–Orlando Successfully Closes $3M Paradise Preserve April 2, 2012 (Orlando, Florida) – The Orlando office of the Land Advisors Organization, the nation’s largest land brokerage firm, announced today the successful...

Future of farming in Marana

NBC Channel 4 (KVOA - Tucson) VIDEO CLIP MARANA - Farmers all across the nation, particularly in the midwest are seeing the value of their land go up and the same can be said for...