Recent Advisors

Nancy Surak

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Senior Land Advisor and Managing Broker, Nancy Surak, offers clients both transactional expertise and a deep understanding of marketing developed over more than 20 years in the commercial real estate industry. Nancy specializes in commercial development...

Mike Ripley

Mike Ripley

Advisor Mike Ripley has extensive experience with geographic information systems, bringing insights derived from the latest market trends to a client’s land-related acquisition or disposition needs. Mike began in real estate as a research analyst...

Bobby Wuertz

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Bobby Wuertz is head of the Agriculture Land Services Team for CA and AZ and is in the Phoenix office of the Land Advisors Organization. Bobby comes from a multi-generation farm family in Coolidge, Arizona....

Ryan Semro

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Residential Land and Lot Advisor Ryan Semro specializes in the sale of single-family and multi-family residential land and lots to homebuilders, developers, investors and speculative clients throughout metropolitan Phoenix. His deep transactional experience, understanding of...

Bret Rinehart

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Residential Land and Lot Advisor Bret Rinehart has played a pivotal role in the acquisition and disposition of parcels and subdivisions throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area since the beginning of his career in 2002. Bret...

Michele Pino

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Michele Pino has been a commercial and site selection specialist with Land Advisors Organization since 2006. She helps school districts, solar developers, public entities, and hospitals, medical and commercial users plan strategic location decisions. She...

Ben Heglie

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Pinal and Maricopa County Advisor Ben Heglie is a land brokerage veteran representing major investors, developers and national builders interested in Central Arizona. Steadfast throughout the business cycle, whether conditions are optimal or turbulent, Ben...

Will White

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Will White has led the Tucson office of Land Advisors Organization for over 22 years. Under his leadership, the Tucson office has been recognized as the leading land brokerage company in Tucson by volume for...

John M. Carroll

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John Carroll is a Pima County Specialist focusing on the sales and marketing of residential land and investment properties throughout Southern Arizona. In addition to being a fifth-generation Tucsonan, John utilizes his vast knowledge to...

Capri Barney

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Northern Arizona Advisor, Capri Barney, focuses on the rapidly developing Yavapai, Coconino, Mohave, Gila, and Navajo County areas. Capri provides broad insights on land transactions, drawing from her extensive experience in the home-building, title, and...

Kirk P. McCarville, CCIM

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Pinal County Specialist Kirk P. McCarville, CCIM oversees all land transactions in the Casa Grande area. He specializes in industrial and commercial site selection, as well as agricultural property. A lifelong resident of Pinal County...

Wesley Campbell

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Wesley Campbell (Wes) is an Advisor with Land Advisors Organization’s Metropolitan Phoenix office and works directly with the firm’s Founder and CEO Greg Vogel. He currently provides advisory and project management services on the evolution...